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Artemisa More destinations
Province Artemisa

The province of Artemisa, in the west of the island, is one of the young actors of the Cuban tourism industry, with many attractions for the leisure available for national and foreign visitors. ,

Composed of eight municipalities of Havana and three of Pinar del Rio is the thirteenth in the country by extension, and eleventh by the population. Artemisa have some towns with wide history as Alquízar (1616) and Guanajay (St. Hilarion of Guanajay, 1650). ,

The main port in the territory is El Mariel, one of the most important in the country, with prospects of investment and growth in the framework of a special economic zone in development. Artemisa account with unique propositions as the hotel Las Yagrumas, only 22 kilometers away from the city of Havana and in the middle of a rich forest vegetation, sheltered by the waters of the river Ariguanabo. ,

The environment invites into an excellent place to enjoy the benefits of the diversity of Cuban nature, with abundant species of the local flora and fauna. Nature lovers have at their disposal the Path Las Yagrumas, from installations to the Cave of the Lamb, with a length of two kilometers. The trail is crossed by several fences of very ancient stone, possibly from XVIII and XIX centuries and which marked the boundaries of herds and farms, together with the option of appreciate some clusters of origin does not specified and that could also be archaeologically interesting. ,

From east to west the province is crossed by the Sierra del Rosario, the most important mountain range on the west of the country with the highest elevation of the Bread of Guajaibón (699 meters) in its western end, belonging to the municipality of Honda Bay. In addition, has the narrowest area of the island with just 31 kilometers, which lies between the bay of Mariel and the Ensenada Majana. ,

In the field of culture, the territory provided figures such as Cyril Villaverde, the first great Cuban novelist, author of "Cecilia Valdez", joined composers and interpreters of the stature of Maria Teresa Vera and Silvio Rodriguez, moreover, in San Antonio de los Baños lies the unique Museum of Fun. ,

It also has in its geography Soroa, this place is also known as the rainbow of Cuba, with a beautiful waterfall of 22 meters of height that constitutes an invitation to refresh at any time of year. The tourism account at that site with the services of the Hotel and Village Soroa, complemented with a pleasant microclimate, and valuable natural resources, in particular its diverse flora and fauna. ,

Horseback riding and various modalities of hiking, with the accompaniment of specialized personnel, are included in the wide range of Soroa, which includes tours of ruins of French coffee plantations XIX century, the Bayate River and the Peasant Community El Brujito - La Comadre. ,

The best known attraction of such a site is in the orchidearium, point forced to all the tourists that visit the province, with species of orchids from all parts of the world. Considered to be the largest in the country, has in its 35 thousand square meters more than 20 thousand plants of 700 species, while account with thousands of copies of ferns and woodlands that make it a unique site of the Sierra del Rosario. ,

In the beautiful landscape are still preserved valuable copies of the XIX and XX centuries, relics of this amazing site, it is the first line in the west of Cuba for lovers of nature.

Hotels Attractions Restaurants Nightlife

Las Yagrumas 2
Caverna de los Perdidos
Sierra del Rosario
Ruinas del antiguo Ingenio Taoro
Carretera Punta Brava a Santa Fe, Finca Taoro, Comunidad de Cangrejeras
Bauta. Artemisa
Cueva del Abono
The Cave of the Dead
Cave of Jivaro Dugs
The Jia Cave
Cave of La Palma
Cave of Garcia Robiou
Catalina de Güines
Güines. Mayabeque
Eduardo Abela Gallery
Art Galleries
Calle 58 No. 3708 e/ 37 y 39
San Antonio de los Baños. Artemisa
Cave of Water and Cave of Bone
Historic Sites
San José de las Lajas
San José de las Lajas. Mayabeque
La Montiel Farm
San Pedro
Bauta. Artemisa
Cueva Pequeña de Diago
Güines. Mayabeque
Lombillo Historical Site
Bauta. Artemisa
El Aguacate Cave
Melena del Sur. Mayabeque
Los Matojos Cave
La Candela Cave
Güines. Mayabeque
Museo de Historia
Calle Martí e/ Mártires y Agramonte
Artemisa. Artemisa
Old City Hall and Prison of Bejucal
Calle 13 s/n e/ 10 y 12
Bejucal. Mayabeque
Museo Municipal de Bahia Honda
Ave. 23 No. 2616 e/ 26 y 28
Bahía Honda. Artemisa
Old Prison of Jaruco
Calixto García s/n
Jaruco. Mayabeque
Museo Municipal de Candelaria
Ave. 31 No. 4013 e/ 40 y 42
Candelaria. Artemisa
Palacio de los Orichas (Casa de Freddy)
Places of Interest
Calle 36 e/ 29 y 31
Madruga. Mayabeque
Museo Municipal de San Cristobal
Calle Maceo No. 116 e/ Capitán Reyes y Rafael Peña
San Cristóbal. Artemisa
Ruins of the old sugar cane mill “Alejandria”
Poblado de Güines
Güines. Mayabeque
Museum of Humor
Calle 60 esq. a Ave. 45
San Antonio de los Baños. Artemisa
Train Station of Bejucal
Calle 7ma. y Línea del Ferrocarril
Bejucal. Mayabeque
Old House of the Marquises of Campo Florido
Places of Interest
Calle 60 No. 4116 esq. a Ave. 45
San Antonio de los Baños. Artemisa
La Rivera
International cuisine
Villa Cocomar
Caimito. Artemisa
Las Brisas
Light Meals
Hotel Las Yagrumas
San Antonio de los Baños. Artemisa
Las Yagrumas
Buffet restaurant
Hotel Las Yagrumas
San Antonio de los Baños. Artemisa
Calle 68 No. 9106 e/ 91 y 97, Güines
Güines. Mayabeque
Lobby Bar
Hotel Las Yagrumas
San Antonio de los Baños. Artemisa


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. . . Jibacoa Beach . View from Escaleras de Jaruco . .
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