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Weekly report on Cuba's tourism industry
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Tourism: Cuba Bets on Diversification

Cuba, which is recognized worldwide by its sun and beach options with the excellent complement of its tropical climate, bets on diversifying its tourist offers to guarantee the sustainable growth of the leisure industry.

Without neglecting the development of one-of-a-kind coastal resorts, full of white fine sand and warm crystal-clear waters, Cuban tourism authorities are now exploiting the country's potential in such alternatives as nature tourism.

The increasingly-demanded natural environment is favored by the existence of several natural, ecological and biosphere reserves, as well as protected areas and national parks.

The country's fauna is very diverse, with more than 350 species of birds on the islets and cays that make up the Cuban Archipelago, and marked by a high degree of endemism.

In addition, due to its location in the Caribbean Sea, Cuba is the route of migratory birds that travel long distances searching for food and a safe haven from North America to the South and back.

Regarding ecology, diversity is huge, especially in central Cuba, where the provinces of Villa Clara, Cienfuegos and Sancti Spíritus have a great potential for nature tourism.

Domes of Revolution Museum, Capitol and Barcardi Building
Fountain of Lions
Bay of Cienfuegos

Those plans are complemented by urban tourism, for which Cuba has a well-preserved Spanish colonial heritage in all its cities.

In that scenario, Havana, the Cuban capital, is rich in traditions and shows architectural values, culture and the Caribbean climate, which are complemented by facilities linked to tourism.

The former village of San Cristóbal de La Habana is a singular live museum that exhibits different architectural styles that reflect the several stages in the city's development.

Havana's defense system, characterized by centuries-old fortresses such as the Castillo de Los Tres Reyes del Morro, consisted of nine big constructions that, according to experts, made up the most outstanding defensive structure in the Spanish-speaking Americas.

The city of Matanzas, the capital of the western Cuban province of the same name, formerly known as the Athens of Cuba and even the Venice of the Americas, due to its several rivers, bridges and channels, is an example of the development of culture and commerce during the colonial period.

In the central part of the country, Cienfuegos stands out with a score of libraries, 11 museums, more than 30 movie theaters and five theaters, in addition to houses of culture, art galleries and monuments.

In the east, Cuba's first village, formerly known as Nuestra Señora de la Asunción de Baracoa, was founded in 1511 and 1512 by Governor Diego Velázquez, and was the country's first capital and first archbishopric.

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