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Baracoa More destinations
Province Guantánamo

The Cuban east, region marked by the history and nature, shows emblematic scenarios linked to the discovery and colonization of the greater one of the Antilles. Joined to the tourist roposals of sun and beach, the characteristics of an archipelago located strategically in the Caribbean, arise with force sites of high historical value.,

In the eastern Cuban province of Guantánamo is one of those places under the original name of Our Lady of the Assumption of Baracoa, founded in 1512 by Diego Velazquez, and which came to be also the first capital and first bishop of the isle. The name of the town has its origin in a native word that means "presence of the sea", in allusion to its original settlers to an influence of the maritime atmosphere.,

The natural landscape is complemented with a mountain flattened 575 meters height known as the Anvil of Baracoa, due to its similarity with that part used by the blacksmiths for its work. Also, different arteries of water flow through the territory, including the Toa - considered the largest river of the island-, marked in your step by numerous waterfalls, the most famous known as El Saltadero, with 17 meters of height.,

The coconut and cocoa are two of the plantations that identify Baracoa, where still retains the Cruz de Parra planted there by Admiral Christopher Columbus in 1492, is one of the 29´s left throughout Latin America by the Genoese sailor.,

The own access to the city is an adventure to be carried out by a track very peculiar that winds between the mountains and responds to the name of La Farola, 11 hanging bridges and the most relevant point in Altos de Cotilla, more than 600 meters above sea level.,

The time of the Spanish domination left its traces in the constructions of the locality, where highlight many buildings erected with stone as the colonial fortresses of El Castillo, La Punta, the towers of Joa and the Cemetery.,

In the inhabitants of the place dominated the traits of the aboriginal population of the greater one of the Antilles: nose sharp, straight hair, dark skin and small stature, by which it is said that it is impossible to know the ancient inhabitants of the archipelago without having to go through the first town in Cuba. ,

For accommodation there are spaces as the Hotel La Rusa, characterized as a small establishment -only 12 rooms-, intimate and cozy, located in addition to the sea. The name of the installation comes from its former owner, a Russian woman, based definitively in the city after much wandering by countries and cities and that inspired in addition to the novelist Alejo Carpentier some of the characters of "The Rite of Spring".

Hotels Attractions Restaurants Nightlife

El Castillo 3
Maguana 4
Porto Santo 2
Hostal 1511 3
Hostal Río Miel 3
La Habanera 3
La Rusa 2
Alto Pino Combat
Historic Sites
Baracoa. Guantánamo
Matachín Fortress
Places of Interest
Calle Martí s/n
Baracoa. Guantánamo
Antigua Villa de la Asunción de Baracoa
Urban Historic Centers
Ciudad de Baracoa
Baracoa. Guantánamo
Municipal Museum of Baracoa
Fuerte Matachín
Baracoa. Guantánamo
Dark Cave
Carretera de Baracoa a Maisí
Baracoa. Guantánamo
Parish Church Our Lady of the Assumption of Baracoa
Churches-Places of Cult
Calle Maceo s/n e/ Ciro Frías y Frank País
Baracoa. Guantánamo
First Malecon (Seafront) of the Caribbean
Places of Interest
Baracoa. Guantánamo
St. Barbara Seboruco Castle
Places of Interest
Calle Calixto García, Reparto Paraíso
Baracoa. Guantánamo
Fort La Punta
Places of Interest
Ave. de los Mártires y Calixto García
Baracoa. Guantánamo
The Yunque (Anvil) of Baracoa
Baracoa. Guantánamo
La Farola Viaduct
Places of Interest
Baracoa. Guantánamo
Town Hall
Places of Interest
Calle Maceo No. 137 e/ Frank País y Pelayo Cuervo
Baracoa. Guantánamo
Cuban cuisine
Hotel El Castillo
Baracoa. Guantánamo
Finca Duaba
Cuban cuisine
Carretera Mabujabo km. 2, Vía Moa
Baracoa. Guantánamo
La Parrillada
Light Meals
Hotel El Castillo
Baracoa. Guantánamo
La Santa María
Cuban cuisine
Hotel Porto Santo
Baracoa. Guantánamo
Cuban cuisine
Villa Maguana
Baracoa. Guantánamo
Ranchón Bahía
Light Meals
Hotel Porto Santo
Baracoa. Guantánamo
Vista al Mar
Cuban cuisine
Hotel La Rusa
Baracoa. Guantánamo
Hotel El Castillo
Baracoa. Guantánamo
La Santa María
Hotel Porto Santo
Baracoa. Guantánamo
Hotel La Rusa
Baracoa. Guantánamo
Villa Maguana
Baracoa. Guantánamo


Choose a small photo to enlarge:
. . . Silla de Gibara, Baracoa Baracoa Mountains. City of Baracoa Yunque de Baracoa (Baracoa`s Anvil) Yunque de Baracoa (Baracoa`s Anvil) City of Baracoa River and mountains in Baracoa.
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