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Museum of Colonial Art
Calle San Ignacio No. 61 e/ Empedrado y O´Reilly, Plaza de la Catedral. La Habana Vieja. La Habana
It is the former house of Count Casa Bayona, built by 1720 and privileged located across from the Cathedral of Havana. It is also considered to be the first residence that was built with a stately style of the 18th century in such square. The house distinguishes itself from the surrounding buildings in the Cathedral Square for the absence of arcades. Its great facades show the Cuban colonial architecture. lts ceilings resemble a Spanish mudejar decoration.

Luis Chacón lived in it when, he was part of the island’s government, at the beginning of the l8th century. It was a house until the end of the l9th century; then, the headquarters of the College of Actuaries and, afterwards, the news room and printing shop of the “La Discusión newspaper.

In 1935, the Arrechabala rum company installed its warehouses and offices here, as well as a private bar that was very busy in those days. Once restored, the Museum of Colonial Arts was installed in it in 1969.

In the rooms of the museum there is an important representation of the decoration and furniture of the biggest colonial mansions of Havana from the l7th to the 19th centuries. Furniture. Glassware. Porcelain. Grille. Doors. Carriage. Stained glass windows and fornalete, art style that was especially developed during the colonization.

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