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Viñales Valley
World Heritage Sites
Sierra de los Organos. Viñales. Pinar del Río
The Viñales Valley is one of the most well-known and attractive areas in Cuba. It has an exceptional landscape that among other characteristics, is unique for the spectacular combination of its natural beauty, preservation of the environment and the harmonious actions of men on small fruit crops, forage, and specially tobacco plantations, whose traditional methods for planting and production make Cuban cigars to be famous worldwide and known as top quality cigars. There are also places in the Valley that have been built with indigenous patterns, like the so called tobacco house, the famous ground stick and the typical Cuban hut that along with its natural values, the mogotes (specific mountain from such region), and differences in the landscape, are inn contrast with the red color of the soil and green color of the crops; thus creating an exceptional esthetic and socio-cultural value. This supports the criteria of a cultural landscape in evolution, where the social activity is linked to the life in such place, which is undergoing a development process. The socio-historical development of The Viñales Valley has unique characteristics of the culture of the Cuban people (indigenous people, slaves, farmers), which has been shaped by the exceptional features of the cultural landscape. The economic activities started in the 17th century, with the boom in cattle raising. Then the forestal development started with the plantation of minor crops till tobacco was introduced that became the main economic business in the area up to now. In addition, Viñales town, located in the Valley, has the characteristics of a traditional settlement of farmers. The town has a main street with galleries of columns in both sides, andd houses roofed with red tiles that favor their conditions.

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