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Historical Center of Trinidad and the Valley of Sugar Cane Mills
World Heritage Sites
Trinidad. Trinidad. Sancti Spiritus
The first buildings that were made with solid materials date back from the early years of the 18th century, and today they are still properly preserved. And the use of the city is mainly for housing and tourism. Its economy is primarily sugar cane.

The villa is one of the most important architectural and urban testimonies of Cuba and Latin America. Its environment has not been changed, thus making the city to be a strong expressive unit of time and place. The existing houses in the Valley of Sugar Cane Mills are true examples of the type of construction that was linked to the economic business, especially sugar cane; and they both have an interrelation with the natural environment, constructions and representatives of past generations. The Historical Center of Trinidad and its Valley of Sugar Cane Mills were included in the World Heritage List during the 12th Meeting of the World Heritage Committee of UNESCO that was held in Brasilia, Brazil, from December 5 to 9, 1988. But previously, on October 10, 1978, the National Commission of Monuments under the Resolution No. 3 declared National Monument of the Republic of Cuba the Historical Urban Center of the old villa of the Holy Trinidad. As a public property, it is legally protected by the Law No. 1 of the National Assembly of the People’s Power: “Protection of Cultural Heritage Law”, passed on August 4, 1977; and the Law No.2 of the National Assembly of the People’s Power: “National and Local Monuments Law”, passed on August 4, 1977.
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